约 11,600 个结果
  1. Did any PS1 games use 640x480? - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange

  2. PS1 changing resolution | GBAtemp.net - The Independent Video …

  3. PS1 Optimal Timing - VideoGamePerfection.com

  4. Resolution in PS1 games through PS2 - VideoGamePerfection.com

  5. Why do 3D models on the PlayStation 1 “wobble” so much?

  6. New plugin by Theflow to allow native resolution PSP on vita

  7. [Release] Adrenaline 6.2 VitaTV PS1 screen size patch

  8. Anbernic RG35XX Plus Review (Hardware) - GBAtemp.net

  9. Help? PSX games with original quality & resolution with Retroarch ...

  10. PS1 high resolution in Atmosphere? - GBAtemp.net