MRE Menu Listings. Here are the official complete MRE menu listings for all production years. These menus (especially the older ones – I-XII) were put together by some helpful folk from Natick (via MREInfo’s friend, Mirage). The later menus are from the Defense Logistics Agency.
The Meal, Religious, Kosher or Halal is utilized to feed those individuals in the Military Service who maintain a strict religious diet. Each meal consists of one Kosher or Halal certified entree and religiously certified/acceptable complementary items sufficient to provide the recommended daily nutritional requirements.
In 2001, each 24 hour 1-man ORP came in a small brown corrugated cardboard box, with the full menu listings printed on the bottom (GP A-G, H, K, S, V, P, sundries and variants). Each box contains the following:
2018 MRE MENUS: (All menus contain a Spoon, Flameless Ration Heater, Hot Beverage Bag, Paperboard Sleeve, and Paperboard Insert Card unless otherwise indicated) Menu 1 Chili with Beans Cheddar Cheese Spread Vegetable Crackers Cornbread Cheese Filled Crackers* Beverage Powder, Carb-Fortified* Accessory Packet A Menu 2 Beef, Shredded, in Barbecue Sauce Black Beans in a Seasoned …
HDRs are a spin-off of MREs. They were developed as a means of feeding large populations of displaced persons or refugees under emergency conditions. A single HDR is designed to provide a full day’s sustenance to a moderately malnourished individual (as opposed to MREs, where you need three per day to feed a soldier in the field).