  1. Mark 46 - Iron Man Wiki

    • The Mark XLVI has a different and unique design to its predecessors. It has a trapezoid-shaped indent design stationed around the circular chest RT. Like the Mark XLV, its armor colors have more red than gold. I… 展开

    Armor Features

    The Armor is composed of the same gold-titanium alloy, standard since the Mark III. It also has a partial force field protecting the armor from energy attacks.
    Micro-storage te… 展开

    Armor Capabilities

    Super Strength:The armor greatly amplifies the user's base strength and combat skills to extremely massive levels. Durability: The armor is extremely durable, capable of withstanding blasts and extremely powerful strikes, as well a… 展开


    Repulsors: The Mark XLVI's Repulsorsare every bit as powerful, if not more so, than its previous iterations, with nearly instantaneous charging-firing speed. They were shown to be powerful enough to instantly cause S… 展开

  1. Iron Man Mark 46 Suit Up Scene | Captain America Civil War

  2. Iron Man Armor: Mark XLVI - Marvel Cinematic …

    The Iron Man Armor: Mark XLVI is Tony Stark's forty-sixth Iron Man suit, built after the Mark XLV was damaged during the Battle of Sokovia. It was used by Stark during the Battle at Leipzig-Halle Airport and to fight Captain America …

  3. Iron Man Mark 46 Suit Up Scene - Captain America: Civil War …

  4. Iron Man Mark 46 Suit Up Scene | Captain America Civil War

  5. Avengers: Endgame: every Iron Man suit in the MCU

    2019年4月23日 · Tony Stark enters Avengers: Endgame with more than 80 “Mark” Iron Man armors behind him. Here’s a guide to the suits of Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Avengers, Age of...

  6. Iron Man Armor: Mark XLV - Marvel Cinematic …

    The Iron Man Armor: Mark XLV was Tony Stark's forty-fifth Iron Man suit, which was primarily used during the Battle of Sokovia.

  7. A Guide on Every Armor Worn by Iron Man in the MCU

    2020年8月18日 · From the suit that started it all to the ultimate showdown against Thanos, we've got your official look of every signature piece of armor that has protected Tony Stark and the world, er galaxy, across the entire MCU!

  8. All Iron Man Suits (Marvel Cinematic Universe) - List …

    All Iron Man Suits (Marvel Cinematic Universe) show list info This list comprises of every single suit built by Tony in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including Rhodeys suits

  9. Mark 46 appreciation post. I hardly see this suit get

    The first time we saw MCU Peter (AS Spider-Man) and Tony fighting together is when he has the Mark 46. It would've been cruelly poetic if Spidey's archenemy has that suit in his possession, thus making the feud more personal!