DC Rebirth is a massive DC Universe initiative published in 2016. The event follows the ending of The New 52, a publishing era that rebooted DC continuity in 2011 after the Flashpoint crossover.
The promise of DC Rebirth is a return to the long and rich history of DC Comics. Below you’ll find the first year of DC Rebirth comic books, as well as the collected editions that allow you to …
2016年11月29日 · DC Universe: Rebirth Deluxe Edition heralds in a new era in storytelling and sets the stage for the future of the DC Universe. Wally West is trapped out of time and space, …
The future (and past) of the DC Universe starts here. Don't say we didn't warn you! THEY SAID IT: “Rebirth is about focusing in on the core of the character and their respective universe,” …
2016年5月17日 · In a special guest post, DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns discusses his newest comics project, DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH, and what it means for the DCU and all of …
The Flash (DC Rebirth) is an American superhero comic book written by Joshua Williamson (of Nailbiter and Birthright fame) and published twice-monthly by DC Comics. The title follows the …
DC's “Rebirth” event began with a bang in June 2016, relaunching every major DC hero from Aquaman to Wonder Woman! Now, the entire collection of REBIRTH specials are collected in …