约 92,300 个结果
  1. 小鼠巨噬、DC、单核、中性粒如何设门?_low_high_mid - 搜狐

  2. Dynamic differentiation of F4/80+ tumor-associated macrophage …

  3. 【实用干货】如何用流式检测巨噬细胞 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏

  4. mouse常见研究样本类型中巨噬细胞标志物的选择-优宁维

  5. 「Protocol」小鼠肝脏巨噬细胞组成的精细分型 - 知乎

  6. Liver X receptors regulate hepatic F4/80 + CD11b+ Kupffer cells ...

  7. Characterization of two F4/80-positive Kupffer cell subsets by their ...

  8. CX3CR1 differentiates F4/80low monocytes into pro-inflammatory F4 ...

  9. F4/80 as a Major Macrophage Marker: The Case of the ... - Springer

  10. What is CD11B+ and F4/80 negative population - ResearchGate