McNICHOLS® Bar Grating brings safety, strength, durability, and character when installed in either industrial or architectural applications. It regularly appears on catwalks, factory floors, platforms, railing infill panels, and as Stair Treads.
Marco Specialty Steel offers various resources, like bar grating load charts. Click to view the chart and see various part numbers offered. Request quote today!
These tables provide a concise reference allowing the specifying authority to select the appropriate bearing bar size and spacing for the intended application. Pedestrian loads are commonly analyzed with uniform and concentrated loads. For pedestrian comfort, deflection is typically limited to 1/4".
Metal bar grating is manufactured by welding a series of equally spaced bearing bars to connecting cross-rods using automated forge welding equipment. Bar grating comes in a variety of thicknesses and spacing that can be selected to meet anticipated loads. Bearing bars can be either smooth or serrated.
Brown-Campbell Bar Grating load tables enable the user to select the appropriate bearing bar size for the actual uniform and/or concentrated load carrying capacity and a corresponding deflection for each size/type of bar grating at a given unsupported spa
information listed in the table. For example, a 1-1/2" x 3/16" serrated bearing bar height and thickness would have the same strength and loading values as a 1-1/4" x 3/16" smooth (non-serrated) .