Very little ancient history is known about the region apart from the Northwestern corner, and the areas bordering current Assam. The Northern regions came under Monpa and Tibetan control. Northwestern parts of this area came under the control of the Monpa kingdom of Monyul under Tibet which flourished between 500 BCE and 600 CE.
2024年12月21日 · Arunachal Pradesh, meaning “Land of the Rising Sun,” long has been a recognized region of the Indian subcontinent, receiving mention in such ancient Hindu literature as the Kalika-purana and the epic poems Mahabharata and Ramayana.
2024年12月20日 · In 1912–13 the British Indian government made agreements with the indigenous peoples of the Himalayas of northeastern India to set up the Balipara frontier tract in the west, the Sadiya frontier tract in the east, and the Abor and Mishmi hills and the Tirap frontier tract in the south.
2014年7月11日 · Arunachal Pradesh, the north eastern state of India is popularly believed to be existent since the pre-historic days of Ramayana, Mahabharata and different other sacred legends. The historical...
The Arunachal Pradesh is one of the youngest amongst the North - Eastern States, which gained National attention after 1962. As a result, the literacy scenario of this state is
2024年1月6日 · Arunachal Pradesh's formation began with the British creation of the North-East Frontier Tract in 1914, later renamed the North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA) in 1954. It became a Union Territory in 1972 and achieved statehood in 1987.