AirLand Battle was the overall conceptual framework that formed the basis of the US Army's European warfighting doctrine from 1982 into the late 1990s. AirLand Battle emphasized close coordination between land forces acting as an aggressively maneuvering defense, and
Leaving behind earlier emphasis on firepower and force ratios, the doctrine of AirLand Battle published in 1982 was an initiative-oriented military doctrine that restored the maneuver-firepower...
Operations, in August 1982 launched AirLand Battle as the Army’s doctrine of the future. Such a revolutionary change, however, was not automatically accepted by everyone and caused some...
AirLand Battle, which was the Army’s doctrine during the First Persian Gulf War, not only achieved widespread acceptance throughout the Army but has been widely heralded both within and outside the Army as revolutionary to the American way of
2023年5月22日 · Taken together, the 1982 and 1986 editions of FM 100—5 addressed the perceived weaknesses of the earlier manual. For example, they introduced a concept, dubbed AirLand Battle, that dealt with the...
Dubbed AirLand Battle because of its purported emphasis on the full three-dimensional nature of modern battle (two land dimensions plus air warfare), it quickly became the center of a lively controversy
In 1986, FM 100-5 was again revised to assuage NATO’s concerns about the US military’s new strat-egy. NATO accepted AirLand Battle at the tactical and operational levels—“follow-on forces attack”...
全球公域介入與聯合機動概念 (英語: Joint Concept for Access and Maneuver in the Global Commons,JAM-GC),是美軍於2015年提出取代 空海一體戰 的戰略,納入海空軍之外,將陸軍、陸戰隊、太空軍、網路部隊及盟國部隊,確保美軍對抗對手「反介入」(A2/AD)的能力 [5],部署分散化,重視快速恢復戰備能力及無衛星指管下的作戰能力。 ^ Krepinevich, Andrew F. CSBA: Why AirSea Battle? (PDF). Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) - …
Army’s search for a modern theory of warfare against the development of AirLand Battle doctrine and applications of joint firepower over the last twenty-five years. Specifically, this monograph examines three air-ground integration evolutions beginning with the Gulf War, then
The US Army has recently adopted an aggressive new warfighting doctrine called AirLand Battle. Its precepts now constitute the Army’s basic “how to fight” principles for a decade of “intense, deadly, and costly” battles.