Nearly 3X longer flea & tick protection | BRAVECTO
Discover BRAVECTO® 12-week flea and tick protection, now available as a tasty chew for dogs and an easy-to-apply topical solution for cats.
Bravecto For Dogs - us-bravecto-com
*BRAVECTO kills fleas, prevents flea infestations. BRAVECTO (fluralaner) Chews for Dogs kills ticks (black-legged tick, American dog tick, brown dog tick, and Asian longhorned tick) for 12 weeks. BRAVECTO Chews also kills lone star ticks for 8 weeks.
BRAVECTO® Chews and Topical Solution provides dogs 12 weeks of flea and tick protection with a single treatment.
Bravecto Chews for Dogs - us-bravecto-com
*BRAVECTO (fluralaner) Chews for Dogs kills fleas, prevents flea infestation, and kills ticks (black-legged tick, American dog tick, brown dog tick, and Asian longhorned tick) for 12 weeks. BRAVECTO Chews also kills lone star ticks for 8 weeks.
Frequently Asked Questions - us-bravecto-com
BRAVECTO Chew starts killing fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) within 2 hours, and kills ticks (Ixodes ricinus) within 12 hours. 2 BRAVECTO Chew kills fleas, prevents flea infestations, and kills ticks (black-legged tick, American dog tick, and brown dog tick) for 12 weeks.*
Bravecto for Cats - us-bravecto-com
*BRAVECTO (fluralaner topical solution) for Cats kills fleas, prevents flea infestations, and kills ticks (black-legged tick and Asian longhorned tick) for 12 weeks. BRAVECTO Topical Solution for Cats also kills American dog ticks for 8 weeks.
Fleas & Ticks - us-bravecto-com
BRAVECTO provides nearly 3X longer-lasting flea and tick protection. BRAVECTO is available in a chew or topical, delivering 12 weeks * of flea and tick protection with just one dose. BRAVECTO protects your pet against fleas for 12 weeks, * so you can prevent fleas from re …
Bravecto Plus For Cats - us-bravecto-com
BRAVECTO® PLUS for cats is the easy, 2-month solution for fleas, ticks, heartworm and intestinal parasites that lasts twice as long as monthly products. BRAVECTO® PLUS protects cats for as long as two months.
How to Protect Your Dog from Fleas and Ticks - us-bravecto-com
Using a fast-acting, long-lasting treatment, such as Bravecto ® (fluralaner) Chews for Dogs, which is easy to administer, allows you to be worry-free in knowing your dog is protected against fleas and ticks for nearly 3x longer than other monthly chews. Correct and convenient control means your dog’s well-being is looked after, reducing its ...
Bravecto for Puppies - us-bravecto-com
Get essential flea and tick defense to protect your puppy with BRAVECTO® (Fluralaner) 1-month chews for dogs as young as 8 weeks old.