Installation: Hanger load nut above clevis must be tightened securely to assure proper hanger performance. Adjustment: Vertical adjustment without removing pipe may be made from 3 ⁄
Punched forming holes may be present on certain sizes of this clevis hanger. These holes are solely for the purpose of manufacturing, and do not affect the structural integrity or load …
Please select a specific size Hanger to get the corresponding detailed Revit assembly file. The RFA can be downloaded by scrolling to the Downloads panel and clicking the second link at …
carrying capacities of these hangers. For insulated line options without shields, see Figures 260 ISS and Figure 300. For insulated line options with shields, see Figures 167 and 168. For …
Fig. 260 ISS Clevis Hanger with Insulation Saddle System (cont.) Application: Anvil's insulation saddle system clevises are fully tested and rated for a temperature range from 40˚F to 200˚F. …
Please select a specific size Hanger to get the corresponding detailed Revit assembly file. The RFA can be downloaded by scrolling to the Downloads panel and clicking the second link at …
For insulated line options without shields, see Figures 260 ISS and Figure 300. For ductile iron pipe sizes, see Figure 590SS. Caution: When an oversize clevis is used, a pipe spacer or …
ANVIL FIG. 260 ADJUSTABLE CLEVIS HANGER 2 IN STAINLESS STEEL We have Revit content for Hangers. Please select a specific size Hanger to get the corresponding detailed …