A spark gap consists of an arrangement of two conducting electrodes separated by a gap usually filled with a gas such as air, designed to allow an electric spark to pass between the …
The whole initial discharge process in gas spark gap was simulated in this paper by PIC-DSMC code. The evolutions of electron density distribution and ion density distribution were obtained, …
Electrical sparks (Fig. 10.2 illustrates different types of spark generator) are defined as discontinuous electrical discharges across a gap between at least two electrodes constituting …
A spark gap is a device used to produce an electrical discharge (spark) between two electrodes separated by a small gap filled with a non-conductive gas or air. Its primary function is to allow …
2020年9月1日 · The effects of the energy (capacitance, voltage) and electrode parameters (electrode gap, electrode shape and electrode material) on the characteristics of electric spark …
Gas tubes (gas filled spark gaps) are basically high energy voltage controlled switching devices. They are unique in their ability to repeatedly switch currents of thousands of amperes, which …
2023年4月1日 · In this study, the characteristic of spark discharge is systematically studied. When the electric field strength exceeds the breakdown strength of the gas in the electrode gap, …
Spark gap technology has evolved where the atmosphere or gas between the two electrodes was confined in a container so that the external atmosphere did not affect its arcing performance.
The spark gap is formed by two wires, approximately vertical but gradually diverging away from each other towards the top. When high voltage is applied to the gap, a spark forms across the …
Optical emission spectroscopy was employed to study a spark gap with pulse discharges, based on the measurement of certain line ratios. The inter-electrode distance of 10mm was used in …