West African lungfish - Wikipedia
The West African lungfish (Protopterus annectens), also known as the Tana lungfish or simply African lungfish, is a species of African lungfish. [6][7] It is found in a wide range of freshwater habitats in West and Middle Africa, as well as the northern half of Southern Africa. [7][6]
原鳍鱼 - 百度百科
原鳍鱼(Protopterus annectens)又称非洲肺鱼,虎斑肺鱼,为双翼肺鱼目,非洲肺鱼科,非洲肺鱼属一种古老的活化石鱼类。 原鳍鱼分布于非洲西部的河流湖泊沼泽等地,产量较高,体型较大,为当地习见的食用鱼类,其身体结构原始,外形奇特,可作为观赏鱼。
西非肺鱼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西非肺魚(學名:Protopterus annectens)又稱非洲肺鱼、原鰭魚、鈍吻肺魚或虎斑肺魚,是肺魚的一種,非洲肺魚屬的四個現生種之一,產自非洲西部和中南部的溪流與湖泊,為分布最廣的肺魚。
Protopterus annectens, West African lungfish - FishBase
Males of Protopterus annectens brieni excavate an U-shaped burrow to a depth of nearly 60 cm for spawning purposes; nest is usually placed amongst roots of aquatic vegetation where the male will attend to several females during the breeding season; males aerate the eggs with body and fin movements and provide protection to the young for some ...
西非肺鱼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年6月19日 · 西非肺鱼 (学名: Protopterus annectens)又称 非洲肺鱼 、 原鳍鱼 、 钝吻肺鱼 或 虎斑肺鱼,是 肺鱼 的一种, 非洲肺鱼属 的四个 现生种 之一,产自 非洲 西部和中南部的溪流与湖泊,为分布最广的肺鱼。 有两个 亚种: 指名亚种 P. a. annectens 分布于 萨赫勒 地区及 几内亚 、 塞拉利昂,另一亚种 P. a. brieni 分布于 刚果河 上游及 莫桑比克 的 赞比西河 流域。 [1][5] 非洲肺鱼的最大体长约 1 米,最大体重约 4 千克 [5]。 身躯如 鳗鱼 般,长度是头部直径的 …
Protopterus - Wikipedia
Protopterus is the genus of four species of lungfish found in Africa. Protopterus is considered the sole genus in the family Protopteridae , which is grouped with Lepidosiren in the order Lepidosireniformes .
Protopterus annectens brieni is found in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe; this subspecies is distributed throughout the upper Congo River (Luapula), middle and lower Zambezi basin and …
Protopterus annectens (Owen, 1839) - GBIF
Protopterus annectens (Owen, 1839) in GBIF Secretariat (2023). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/39omei accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-08. Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2024). FishBase. World …
Cytogenetic and molecular studies in a lungfish, Protopterus annectens ...
2002年8月7日 · These characteristics are often found in dipnoans and in the extant lissamphibians. Very little is known about the evolutionary karyology in the four Protopterus species and in the dipnoan clade in general. In this paper, we karyotyped ten male and female specimens of P. annectens (2n=34) from Nigeria.
The genomes of all lungfish inform on genome expansion and …
2024年8月14日 · We de novo sequenced the genomes of the African (Protopterus annectens) and South American lungfishes (Lepidosiren paradoxa).