What is the Fear of the Lord? - Catholic Straight Answers
We must not underestimate these gifts. Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “The moral life of Christians is sustained by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are permanent dispositions which make man docile in following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. … They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them.
What is heaven? - Catholic Straight Answers
Each time we recite the Creed, we profess, “We believe in one God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.” Heaven then designates both the firmament of creation and God’s dwelling place. Scholars even debate whether the word heaven … Continued
How does the Last Supper relate to Passover? - Catholic Straight …
Q: During Holy Week, I read the Passion stories of Jesus’ Last Supper, Crucifixion and Resurrection. It seems confusing: The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke have Jesus and the apostles eating a Passover meal, but the Gospel of St. … Continued
What is the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? - Catholic …
The Catechism, quoting Pope Pius XII’s beautiful encyclical on the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Haurietis Aquas (1956), states, “[Jesus] has loved us all with a human heart. For this reason, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced by … Continued
What does the Church teach regarding oaths? - Catholic Straight …
Teachers of theology in Catholic colleges and universities, since they share in the mission of the Magisterium, ought to take an oath of fidelity to it each year. Consequently, the Catechism states the traditional interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount that Jesus did not exclude oaths made “for grave and right reasons” (#2153), but ...
What does it mean when we pray in the Our Father, "And lead us …
Upon first hearing, this petition of the Our Father does sound like we are asking God not to lead us into temptation. (The Our Father is found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4.) In this sense, the petition sounds like … Continued
Why does the Catholic "Our Father" have a different ending than …
In his Commentary on the Sacraments, St. Ambrose (d. 397) meditated on the meaning of “daily bread” in the context of the Holy Eucharist. In this same vein, St. Augustine (d. 430) saw the Our Father as a beautiful connection of the Holy Eucharist with the forgiveness of sins.
How do Catholics understand the creation account of Genesis and ...
In an address to a recent meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (1996), the Holy Father commented on the subject of evolution and recognized the progress of science in explaining the origins of life and the process of creation. … Continued
What are the facts about the Inquisition? - Catholic Straight Answers
One must remember that one of the primary purposes of a formalized Inquisition was to insure justice and to eliminate unfounded charges or vigilante justice. The inquisitors even followed a guide, such as the Processus inquisitionis (1249) which outlined various acts and provided commentary about certain cases. Accordingly, an inquisitor could ...
Can you tell me more about the Inquisition? Part 2 - Catholic …
The purpose of a formalized Inquisition was to ensure justice and eliminate unfounded charges of heresy or vigilante justice. To ensure due process, the inquisitors followed a guide, Processus inquisitionis (1249), which specified the procedure, outlined various acts and provided commentary about certain cases.