Best MRE's - Survivalist Forum
2009年3月6日 · Best MRE's Jump to Latest 25K views 16 replies 15 participants last post by olddude Mar 15, 2009
Who makes the best MRE'S? - Survivalist Forum
2022年5月26日 · The wornick company makes the real MRE's/HDR's(Humanitarian Daily Rats all others are copies. I bought a thrown together wannabe 10 years ago, the crackers, cookies and pop tarts were simply taken out of a regular store bought item and thrown into a heavy ziploc bag and most stuff was worthless after 2 years.
Best source for MRE's, long term food stuffs? - Survivalist Forum
2010年8月30日 · I picked up 2 cases of MREs from the exchange. I keep them in my truck and my BOB. The shelf life of an MRE is dependent on a few things. Mainly, the temperature of where it's bei
Best tasting MRE/dehydrated foods - Survivalist Forum
2011年11月17日 · MRE's are ok. For lightweight, convenient food on the go, they are ok. Not great, but ok. I have eaten thousands of them. My favorite part of an MRE is the compressed oatmeal cookie bar. It is food direct from the gods of war. Second would be MRE cheese (especially the jalepeno cheese) and the MRE crackers.
Looking for a recipe: MRE Oatmeal Cookie Bar - Survivalist Forum
2011年9月24日 · But I too have been searching for a way to make something like them for some homemade MRE packs. They don't need to be as compressed. An oatmeal cookie that could also be used to make hot oatmeal would be great in an MRE. P.S. my favorite part of those MRE kits was the little 3 pack of Camel cigarettes (not 3 packs but a tiny pack with 3 ...
Who makes the best MRE'S? | Page 2 - Survivalist Forum
2022年5月27日 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu
What is the best place to buy US MREs? | Survivalist Forum
2024年8月6日 · In the UK is is cheaper to buy Store bought food by the case and then you would have about 3 to 6 months worth of supplies, Over here where Steaks are expensive it would be cheaper to buy them than it is to buy MRE's.
Who makes the best bought MRE's? - Survivalist Forum
2022年3月26日 · We may earn a commission for products purchased through links on this page
MRE vs Freeze Dried Food - Survivalist Forum
2011年8月11日 · Cost (low to high): can, mre, freeze dried Taste (best to worst): freeze dried, mre Ease of use/least preparation (easy to hard): mre, freeze dried/can food So I compromised: I decided to make about 25% of my food MREs, 25% freeze dried, and the rest in cans.
Sopakco MRE Heater Problems - Survivalist Forum
2020年12月28日 · The Sopakco MRE heaters are not working. One heater got hot after maybe 30 - 45 minutes. Another heater used on a recent camping never got hot. At the very best it barely got warm. When a MRE heater is going it should almost burn your hand. The Sopakco MRE heaters are barely warm.