An analysis that confronts the many forms of oppressive power can help social movements build transformative power.
Un análisis que confronte las múltiples formas de poder opresivo puede ayudar a los movimientos sociales a construir un poder ...
No longer science fiction, technologies enabling communication with nonhuman animals now offer a host of opportunities — and ...
State-sponsored violence, even in self-defense, is an oxymoron and a refutation of state-building. If humans can kill each ...
Monica Iyer is an assistant professor at the Georgia State University College of Law. Prior to joining Georgia State, she taught in the International Human Rights Clinic at Duke University School of ...
El encarcelamiento de jóvenes en Estados Unidos constituye una violación de los derechos humanos. Para empezar a abordar este ...
Youth incarceration in the United States constitutes a human rights violation. To begin addressing this, the legal system ...
¿Por qué la gente normalmente se abstiene de robar en el supermercado local? ¿Por qué los compañeros de piso intentan ...
A new report and database highlight 20 landmark court decisions on the right to a healthy environment, drawing upon cases from all parts of the world. While the historic UN Loss and Damage Fund aims ...
Los defensores de los derechos humanos que han perdido a seres queridos a manos de la violencia policial se enfrentan a ...
Las tecnologías que permiten la comunicación con animales no humanos han dejado de ser ciencia ficción y ofrecen multitud de oportunidades y riesgos. Los guardarraíles podrían ayudar a garantizar un d ...
Jackie Gallant is a Litigation Associate at NYU Law's Earth Rights Research & Action (TERRA) program, where she works on projects addressing the climate emergency and its implications for rights ...