Selenium, and many other tools, make use of the W3C WebDriver protocol in order to automate browsers. However, since the WebDriver spec became a recommendation, technology and the times have moved on.
Ministry of Testing is your one stop shop for all things software testing. It has everything you need, from resources, education, events, and a network to validate you are on the right track.
Python SDET. Author of StrictYAML and HitchStory. Ministry of Testing is where software testing professionals grow their careers. Reach new heights with a supportive community on your side.
What is the MoT Software Testing Essentials Certificate? Software is moving at a rapid pace of change and now more than ever we need software testing professionals to help test and deliver those ...
We'll keep you up to date on all the testing trends. Ministry of Testing is where software testing professionals grow their careers. Reach new heights with a supportive community on your side.
The Testing Planet is a free monthly virtual community gathering produced by Ministry of Testing. Each monthly episode brings important news to the testing planet, where individuals share their epic ...
Born and raised in Blackpool I've had some seriously unique jobs (making Blackpool Rock, 999 Call Operator to name just two) but I always had a passion and fascination with technology and computers.