Boykottbewegungen gegen Forschende aus Israel wachsen weltweit stetig an. Um dagegen ein Zeichen zu setzen, haben Mitglieder ...
Through their scientific work, Helmholtz doctoral students contribute to solving the most pressing problems facing our society. The Helmholtz Association wants to inspire talented young researchers at ...
What are the molecular causes of diseases? How can artificial intelligence and data science help us to understand them at the level of individual cells? And how can pandemics be avoided or contained ...
05.12.2024 - The Helmholtz Investigator Groups offer top international talents early scientific independence. Funding is at least 350,000 euros p.a. for five years. If the evaluation is positive after ...
In the coming years, space research will straddle two seemingly contradictory ambitions: To look both at the Earth and deep into space. We want to help preserve life on our home planet while seeking ...
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Climate change, the extinction of species, environmental pollution, and the increasing vulnerability of a technological society to natural disasters are among the greatest challenges of our time. We ...
Das Jahr 2024 geht zu Ende und wir blicken zurück auf prägende Ereignisse aus der Gemeinschaft. Manche sind überraschend, andere sind ermutigend und wiederum andere machen nachdenklich.
Shaping the world of tomorrow together: We offer our approximately 8,000 doctoral students an ideal environment for creative research. The Helmholtz Centers are excellently equipped and have excellent ...
We support young top researchers: Internationally outstanding postdocs are given the opportunity to establish their own research group at Helmholtz. Following a competitive selection process, up to ...
Doctoral students face special challenges. We support them with key competency training. This English-language qualification program, which is specially designed to meet the needs of doctoral students ...
Strong representation of interests: Helmholtz doctoral students network in the Helmholtz Juniors initiative. It advocates for fair working conditions and a wide range of opportunities for continuing ...