在芬兰的未来战略中,专业知识和创新将发挥越来越重要的作用。 食品安全是人类最基本的需要。从农场到餐桌的整个食物链,芬兰有着全面的最佳实践管理方案。 芬兰国家技术研究中心VTT与图尔库大学的研究人员在癌细胞中发现了防止癌症扩散和增长的新机制。
A steaming hot sauna, softly illuminated and filled with the fragrant aroma of birch leaves, is a centuries-old Finnish tradition intended to bring calmness, harmony and peace before the start of ...
Según el informe mundial de la OCDE, los finlandeses están a la cabeza en lectura, escritura, matemáticas y resolución de problemas.
Не верьте мифам о Санте с Северного полюса. Все знают, что Санта-Клаус со своими верными спутниками-оленями живет на севере Финляндии. Для достижения нулевого уровня выбросов углерода ...
Não acredite no hype do Polo Norte. Todo mundo sabe que Papai Noel e suas renas vivem no norte da Finlândia. De acordo com uma pesquisa mundial da OCDE, as pessoas na Finlândia têm habilidades de ...
Zur Erreichung klimaneutraler Ziele muss die Nachhaltigkeit im Seefahrtbereich unbedingt verbessert werden. Wir berichten über die Fortschritte zweier finnischer Unternehmen: Norsepower, gegründet ...
A steaming hot sauna, softly illuminated and filled with the fragrant aroma of birch leaves, is a centuries-old Finnish tradition intended to bring calmness, harmony and peace before the start of ...
What does a country sound like? Finland set out to answer this question by becoming the first nation in the world to create an official national soundscape. Plug in, press play and experience Finland ...
In order to attain net-zero goals, it’s essential to increase sustainability in the ocean shipping sector. We hear about the progress of two Finnish companies: Norsepower, founded in 2012, and ...
Wie hört sich ein Land an? Finnland wollte diese Frage beantworten, indem es als erste Nation der Welt eine offizielle nationale Klanglandschaft geschaffen hat. Einschalten, Play drücken und Finnland ...
Santa Claus himself took part in ThisisFINLAND’s Twitter chat just a short while before Christmas, and you can still read his posts online. Santa has installed several artificial-intelligence ...
The northernmost country in the EU, Finland chairs the Arctic Council from May 2017 to May 2019. Show your Arctic snow-how and enhance your messages with these entertaining, educational, endearing ...