We ensured that the acoustic design met the criteria set out in the DfE Output Specification Generic Design Brief, Building Bulletin 93 (BB93) 2015, and local planning requirements. Our strategy ...
Hambridge Homes Limited commissioned us to conduct an air quality and dust risk assessment and develop a Dust Management Plan for the project approved under application DC/22/127431. This project ...
A noise survey was carried out to measure background sound levels for design of the external heat pump, and to determine ambient noise levels impacting on the proposed building. Measurements were ...
How can we add value to your project? Is there something we can help you with?
How can we add value to your project? Is there something we can help you with?
UNTIL Limited commissioned Anderson Acoustics to provide acoustic advice for their new gymnasium located at 105 Wigmore Street, London. The gym, situated in the basement of the building, required ...
Brought in at RIBA Stage 3 in 2021, we developed the acoustic design strategy establishing the acoustic performance standards for the scheme including for indoor ambient noise, internal sound ...
Have you ever wondered what’s involved with managing construction noise? From the moment we receive an enquiry to gaining the section 61 consent, there’s a flexible procedure we follow, depending on ...
Have you ever wondered what’s involved with managing construction noise? From the moment we receive an enquiry to gaining the section 61 consent, there’s a flexible procedure we follow, depending on ...
Anderson Acoustics Ltd was commissioned by TWI Ltd to undertake a noise assessment as part of the outline planning application for the development of the TWI campus at Granta Park, a purpose-built ...