Directed by Barry Jenkins, Mufasa: The Lion King serves as both a prequel and a sequel to the iconic live-action remake from 2019. The film introduces Mufasa as an orphaned cub and follows his early ...
"Mufasa: The Lion King,” a Walt Disney Studios release in theaters Thursday, is rated PG by the Motion Picture Association ...
A fantasy drama film is about Jumbo, an elephant who has the capability to fly with his huge ears, about which everyone makes ...
U nless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably familiar with the 1995 Disney animated masterpiece, The Lion King, ...
Several familiar voices are lent to familiar faces in 'Mufasa: The Lion King' like Donald Glover and Beyoncé, but new faces ...
A film that showcases the love Mufasa once shared with the brother who killed him, the prequel only highlights how tragic his ...
The most striking aspect of ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’, Disney’s prequel to ‘The Lion King’ circa 2019, is the photorealistic ...
Meanwhile, Disney's classic 'The Lion King' gets a fresh twist in 'Mufasa: The Lion King', directed by Barry Jenkins. The ...
Mufasa: The Lion King:' is a brand new prequel, telling the story of Mufasa's rise and the origins of his rivalry with Scar.
This animated Disney prequel stars Aaron Pierre as Mufasa, Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Taka (Scar), Tiffany Boone as Sarabi, Preston Nyman as Zazu, Kagiso Lediga as Young Rafiki, and the return of John ...
Tiffany Boone exclusively told Us Weekly she didn’t know that she was up for Sarabi when she went in for her ‘Mufasa’ audition ...
CHICAGO – Patrick McDonald of appears on “The Morning Mess” with Scott Thompson for WBGR - FM (Monroe, Wisconsin) on December 19th, reviewing “‘Mufasa: The Lion King” a prequel ...