UNSW scientists have developed a groundbreaking proton battery that outperforms lithium-ion batteries and could revolutionize ...
A team of scientists at UNSW Chemistry have successfully developed an organic material that is able to store protons—and they ...
尽管目前这些仅是基于猜测,尚无法确定Steam Deck 2是否会如期推出,但此前已有消息指出,Valve曾明确表态,除非新一代产品能带来显著的性能提升,否则不会轻易推出。那么,这些引人遐想的线索究竟是什么呢?
Blink and you'll miss it. The weekend has come and gone and so has Proton VPN's show-stopping Black Friday VPN deal – but it's not all doom and gloom. You've still got time to make the most of ...
IT之家 11 月 24 日消息,Steam Deck 自推出以来,对 PC 游戏行业产生了巨大影响。这款便携式游戏主机为 PC 游戏玩家带来了全新的游戏体验,并引发了众多 Steam Deck 竞品纷纷涌现。 虽然 Valve 对于 Steam ...
Scientists from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) have developed a groundbreaking rechargeable battery that uses ...
● 在马来西亚,Perodua继续巩固其市场地位,而Proton和Toyota表现有所下滑,新兴品牌如Jaecoo和比亚迪则持续发力。
当然,Steam Deck 2 的消息也势必让其他正计划推出掌机的厂商感受到了压力。例如,最近索尼推出了其便携游戏机 PlayStation Portable 2(PSP 2),同样配备了强大的专属芯片和改进的显示技术,力求在便携性和性能上超越市场竞争者。面对 Steam Deck 2 的潜在发布,其他厂商能否继续维持其市场份额仍然值得关注。
链上侦探 ZachXBT 提醒用户加强账户和资金安全。其表示,目前 Yubico(安全密钥)、Proton(邮件服务)和 Tutanota(邮件服务)均有折扣活动。Proton 支持比特币支付,Tutanota 则可通过官方合作伙伴 ...