Directed by Michael Gracey, and released in 2024, Better Man is a musical drama about the life of British singer-songwriter Robbie Williams. Combining music, drama, and emotion, this biopic takes ...
For the executives at Paramount Pictures who purchased Better Man's theatrical rights for $25 million, the whole CGI monkey thing was certainly going to be a tough sell. As it turned out ...
That’s where Robbie Williams’ “Better Man” stands out. Yes, the inspirations, setbacks and drug forays are familiar. But portraying Williams as monkey clearly separates this from the pack.
Over its opening three days in 1,291 North American theaters, Better Man pulled in a dismal $1.2 million. Photo: Paramount Pictures Its price tag, however, was too high. “The film was ...
But a far more expensive music biopic is currently performing at a much lower level. Better Man, based on the life and career of pop-star Robbie Williams, only recently passed its first global box ...
Robbie Williams has told his story in the musical biopic Better Man (Picture: AP) Robbie Williams has revealed his plans for a sequel to biographical musical Better Man – despite the film ...