Asian Paints Ltd. said on Wednesday that two of its senior executives —Shyam Swamy and Vishu Goel — have announced their resignations due to "personal circumstances". The resignations, which come amid ...
A new whitepaper authored by nine of the industry’s top marine biocide suppliers has thrust marine antifouling biocides into the spotlight to highlight the vital role they play under the waterline as ...
Police said they were seeking two males believed to be in their late teens who were "disguised" and seen running from the scene in the early hours. The offenders burned the car they had been ...
SYDNEY — Two suspects daubed anti-Israel graffiti and torched a car in a Sydney suburb on Wednesday, police said, sparking “outrage” from Australia’s government days after a Melbourne ...
When the Woolsey Fire broke out in November 2018, it quickly exploded in size and spread to multiple cities as it jumped the 101 Freeway. Within two days, it had burned more than 70,000 acres.
A "bizarre" E-shaped aurora was recently photographed dancing in the sky above Alaska. The unusual light show was caused by rare black auroras, a.k.a. anti-auroras, which catapult charged ...