In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, an extraordinary wildlife drama took place when a wildebeest was seized by a crocodile. As the situation grew dire, witnesses were stunned by an unexpected twist. A group of ...
Two wildebeest died when they ran through the University of Mpumalanga campus and fell from an elevated area. Warning: Content not for sensitive viewers. Photo: Supplied Chaos reigned in Mbombela ...
Two wildebeest died when they ran through the University of Mpumalanga campus and fell. Warning: Content not for sensitive viewers. > Photo: Supplied Chaos reigned in Mbombela this morning ...
One of the Ximhungwe lionesses finishes off a wildebeest caught a day previously. Filmed in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater Kruger National Park, South AfricaSubscribe: ...