People with respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or severe asthma, can be particularly susceptible to the effects of cold weather, finding themselves shorter ...
您是否知道,在全球范围内,慢阻肺(COPD)已成为诸多国家面临的重大健康挑战?尤其是在中国,约有1亿人正在与这一病症抗争,40岁以上人群的患病率高达13.7%。根据最新的统计数据,COPD患者的健康状况堪忧,且普遍知晓率、诊断率和控制率都极低。面对如此严峻的形势,近日,健康元药业集团宣布其与拜耳合作开发的创新COPD口服药成功获得临床试验批准,给患者带来了新希望! 这一口服药物以独特的PREP靶点 ...
You have full access to this article via your institution. Available treatments for COPD are mainly palliative, and there are no therapies available that halt the decline in lung function or the ...
End-stage COPD is the most severe stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. During this stage, symptoms worsen, and a flare could become life threatening. Chronic obstructive pulmonary ...
This reduces the amount of oxygen which is transferred into the blood stream and body leading to the sufferer experiencing shortness of breath. There are several known causes of COPD; one of the main ...
The problem with COPD is you have obstruction to air flow, so most patients have a chronic cough, have some shortness of breath, have some wheezing. And periodically they will have what we call an ...
Carpets, fireworks, and hot tubs are some of the unexpected things that can hurt your lungs. Find out what you can do to prevent problems from these and other culprits.
More than 11 million people in the United States are living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including more than 3 million people with emphysema, a type of COPD. This chronic ...