Find out which of your favorite herb seeds you can plant during the year's coldest months so that they're ready for ...
IN SHORT: Several Facebook posts are promoting what they say is a cure for fibroids. However, a gynaecologist advises patients to consult their doctor as many herbal remedies are not evidence-based. A ...
Consumers frequently use herbs and dietary supplements to treat chronic conditions that are poorly responsive to prescription drugs or when prescription drugs carry a high side effect burden.
If a change in your period bothers you, you can use a birth control method that closely mimics your normal periods. Hormone-free options that should not or are less likely to affect your periods are ...
Having a warm cup of tea before bed can be comforting and can put an individual in the right state of mind before drifting ...
The biggest downside to having sex during your period is the mess. Blood can get on you, your partners, and the sheets, especially if you have a heavy flow. Aside from dirtying the bed ...
particularly if your menstrual flow is heavy. This can lead to fatigue, bodily pain, and dizziness. Leafy green vegetables such as kale and spinach can boost your iron levels. Spinach is also rich ...
John’s wort, valerian and cranberry. Likewise, studies show that people with chronic medical conditions increasingly take herbal products, too. Nearly 1-in-3 people with epilepsy use some form of ...
With a bounty of fragrant blooms typically opening from May onwards, this herb has long ... while this plant is in a period of dormancy. 'Lavenders dislike being wet and waterlogged, which can damage ...
Tuna salad is an age-old lunchtime classic. Avoid these mistakes to ensure that your recipe comes out flavorful, moist, and ...
Drug merchants are selling untested alternative medicines to Hepatitis B patients, promising quick cures and putting them at ...
As the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) spreads across Nigeria, drug merchants are selling untested alternative medicines to patients, ...