In a bizarre and tragic case from Rochester, New York, two men died after inhaling spores from bat faeces, known as guano, while planning to use it as fertiliser for cannabis cultivation.
The men, both of Rochester, were cultivating cannabis for personal use when their health started to deteriorate, according to a case published in the journal, Open Forum Infectious Diseases.
Bat poop can be dangerous for health if not handled properly. In an unusual case from New York, two men who were planning to use bat poop as fertiliser to grow cannabis plants at their home have ...
it is important to raise public awareness about the potential risk of using bat guano as fertilizer and emphasize the need for protective measures, such as wearing masks when handling it ...
Two men in Rochester, New York, died due to exposure to fungus in bat poop they intended to use as a fertilizer... Stock image of a greater bamboo bat (main) and a cannabis leaf (inset).
doctors questioned him and found out he had been harvesting bat poop from an infestation in his attic to use as fertilizer for his weed plants. Looking deeper into his case, they found irregular ...
Two men from upstate New York have died from a type of pneumonia after using bat poop to grow cannabis ... of cannabis and the promotion of bat poop as fertilizer, it is important to raise ...