The Global Solar Energy Panel Market is poised for significant growth in the forecast period, driven by various factors such as increasing government incentives, cost economics of polysilicon, and ...
Toyota just got a $4.5 million boost from the US Department of Energy (DOE) to make EV batteries more sustainable.
X, a Thailand-based startup revolutionising the maintenance and living services landscape, has successfully raised Series B ...
The outlook for the renewable energy (RE) sector remains positive, driven by the rollout of new projects and ongoing ...
2022年,高纪凡首次登上常州首富宝座。2023年,财富继续上涨。据2023年胡润全球富豪榜,其家族拥有545亿元财富。 高纪凡20岁本科毕业于南京大学化学系本科,随后攻读了吉林大学的硕士。在硕士毕业之际,放弃了伯克利读博的机会,回到常州开始准备创业 ...