Vivo has unveiled the Vivo Y29 5G in India, a mid-range smartphone which has been priced from Rs 13,999. The new budget-friendly smartphone comes with an IP64 rating (for dust and splash ...
For example, the most efficient solar cells in the world struggle to capture 30 percent of the energy in sunlight into electricity, and those in mass production are barely over 20 percent.
A humanoid robot Santa has been filmed doing a backflip. It’s an Atlas humanoid robot that was draped in a Santa Claus outfit, white beard and all. Developed by Boston Dynamics, the robot’s ...
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If you can’t make it to Rome this Christmas Eve, you can still watch Pope Francis’ traditional holiday mass from the comfort of your home. The mass, often called the Midnight Mass ...
DAMASCUS, Dec 24 (Reuters) - Syrian Christians attended Christmas Eve services on Tuesday for the first time since the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad in early December, in an early test of ...
If yes, you know the importance of a good cutting board. There are many types of cutting boards available. Each has its own pros and cons. Today, we will talk about titanium cutting boards. Are they ...
Calculating your body mass index (BMI) involves using a simple formula with your weight (in pounds or kilograms) and height (in inches or meters). BMI is used to estimate your body fat and establish ...
People search for human remains at a trench believed to be used as a mass grave on the outskirts of Damascus on December 16. Picture: Aris Messinis/AFP Moustafa said the site was just one of eight ...
For more than a decade, Bashar al-Assad’s army turned this wasteland into a mass grave—believed by Syria’s new rulers to be one of his largest. For years, earthmovers would arrive late at ...