The Texas State Board of Education recently approved a new elementary school curriculum that adds quotes and lessons from the ...
Would God frivolously create organisms for no purpose, which we know denies the truth of what the Bible itself has told us?
Just as Jesus made humor of the religiosity in His day, old Jonah knew that even the most spiritually adept believer has a ...
Print book sales remain more or less the same — but an increasing number of people are buying a Bible for the first time.
One of the account’s most popular posts is a reference to Christmas. It translates the Bible passage in which the angel ...
The birth of Jesus at Christmas is all about hope, peace, joy and love, writes Lauren Green of Fox News this holiday season — ...
The Wisconsin State Journal asked a cross-section of area Christian clergy members to share with readers excerpts from the ...
The opening chapters of Matthew and Luke introduce us to Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, conceived by the Holy Spirit and ...
One of the forgotten facts of the story of Jesus’ life is that he came from a profoundly dysfunctional family.
By Kyrsoibor Pyrtuh This year, for Christmas readings and reflection, I am using the Khasi vernacular New Testament Bible ...