Christopher Nolan's powerhouse Batman trilogy has some significant plot holes, the biggest of which have made fans scratch ...
The most interesting movie villains are usually the ones who share a deep connection to the heroes, as if they are two sides ...
"The big essential heart is the character of Charlie — he is the hero and the justice you didn't see coming," Hawes tells The ...
Matt Reeves’ The Batman 2 owes fans a sequel that offers more than yet another tale of the Dark Knight battling guilt and ...
CEO James Gunn has said they're taking their time with The Brave and the Bold, and there are 5 crucial steps we think they ...
Quentin Tarantino told the whole world just who he was in the first few minutes of his first movie, Reservoir Dogs. The ...
The Dark Knight Trilogy is currently listed at $29.99 and the 8-disk Batman 4K Film Collection is on sale for $39.99.
but by superhero movie fans as well. With The Batman and The Penguin winning over fans to Matt Reeves‘s realistic take on the world of the Dark Knight and DC Studios relaunching their universe ...