The second installment in Yang Xiaoyan's Nanjing Massacre book series is set in 1937 and follows Wu An, a 12-year-old boy who is sold to a Chinese soldier hoping to disguise himself as a father and a ...
The second installment in Yang Xiaoyan Nanjing Massacre book series is set in 1937 and follows Wu An a 12-year-old boy who is sold to a Chinese soldi ...
With the holidays in full swing, there is still time to venture out and experience all of the magic that makes this time of ...
In 1958, when John Cruitt’s mother died, his third-grade teacher made a small gesture of kindness that meant a great deal to ...
Photomath is a revolutionary app that I wish was around when I was younger. Not only does it guide you through easy math ...
S ometimes, in my high school Spanish class, when the teacher was especially tired, he would turn on an American movie dubbed ...
Granted, he’s only the voice of ol’ Saint Nick in this animated holiday movie, but it’s better than nothing, I guess. The ...