C114讯 11月7日消息(颜翊)T-Mobile US近日宣布,其在美国加利福尼亚州进行的一次测试中实现了2.2Gb/s的5G上行链路数据传输速率 ...
Once ordered, T-Mobile sends a gateway device that can be self-installed in minutes. A 15-day, money back guarantee is included. T-Mobile offers 5G, high-speed home internet for $50 to $55 per month.
While you would normally connect a modem to a cable line, T-Mobile provides a gateway device that can turn that 5G signal ...
T-Mobile’s Internet Backup, as well as other hotspot options, can keep your network running until the lines are fixed ...
T-Mobile is gearing up to launch its first 5G-Advanced service by the end of 2024, according to the carrier’s president of ...