New research reveals internal mammary artery skeletonization, a surgical technique, helps reduce chances of serious chest wound infection after heart bypass surgery in patients with diabetes. Dr.
A to-and-fro pericardial friction rub was present along the left sternal border. There were no signs of cardiac decompensation or pericardial effusion. The temperature increased to 103°F.
His trachea remained central, with a jugular venous pressure 3 cm above the sternal angle and a blood pressure of 110/65 mm Hg. On auscultation, breath sounds were absent throughout the left ...
To provide safe and effective care for patients with body piercings, nurses must become more knowledgeable about this increasingly common practice. Competent nursing care is more than simply ...
the right wrist. Also noted was a small area of abrasion or contusion below the right ear on the lateral aspect of the right cheek. A prominent dried abrasion was present on the lower left neck ...