WINNERS OF THE fifth-annual Holy Spirit Catholic School raffle fundraiser have been announced. The recipient of the $10,000 first prize was Mark Sanicki of Niagara, Wis. From left are Holy Spirit ...
Pope Francis opened the first of five Holy Doors, signifying spiritual portals, on Christmas Eve as part of ancient rituals that launched the Roman Catholic Church’s holy year ...
Pope Francis and the Vatican will open five spiritual portals starting Christmas Eve that are part of Roman Catholic Church rituals that date back to 1300.
Continuing his catechetical series on ”The Spirit and the Bride,” the Holy Father spoke about evangelization and the role of preaching in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis waves to pilgrims as ...
If we do not want to be Advent spectators, then it is with a determined effort that we do some things in this season before Christmas. A brief look at any parish’s website and at The Catholic Spirit ...
He was ordained a bishop in January 2022. At the time of his appointment, the Diocese of Camden was comprised of 1.3 million people, of which 311,489 were Catholic. On May 27, about 7,000 pilgrims ...
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of thy love. V. Send forth thy spirit and they shall be created. R. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.