Built with the future of water analysis in mind, the DR 3900 Spectrophotometer will give consistently accurate results in a simpler testing format. The DR 3900 guides you step-by-step through the ...
The V-660 is a double-beam spectrophotometer utilizing a double monochromator and a photomultiplier tube detector. The use of a double monochromator provides high resolution with extremely low ...
Spectrophotometry is a method that measures the amount of light that a sample or object absorbs or reflects as a functional of wavelength using an instrument known as a spectrophotometer. A ...
The course gives a theoretical and practical introduction to the principles of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The course will cover central electron microscopy, diffraction, and spectroscopy ...
Optical spectroscopy encompasses a wide variety of techniques used to study how matter interacts with light. Optical spectroscopy techniques are used in physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology ...
In the coffee industry, verifying a bean’s geographic origin is essential for ensuring quality and authenticity. A recent study published in Food Innovation and Advances introduces new methods ...
The focus is on understanding complex phenomena from gas phase molecular dynamics, to nanoscale, mesoscale, and biological phenomena, through model systems and fundamental physical principles. These ...