Google Maps cameras have captured some pretty interesting photos in the past, preserved on the mapping software for the world to find, but this time the images have given police an extra clue in ...
Their statement, translated from Spanish to English, says they became aware of “images in a location application” that appeared to have “detected a vehicle that may have been used during the course of ...
‘Tis the season for cookies, and every day till Christmas, Star journalists are taking turns baking a recipe from the Star’s extensive archives. Follow our holiday baking adventures here on ...
MADRID (Reuters) – Chance images captured by a passing Google Maps camera showing a man leaning over a large bag or bags in a car trunk with what could be a human body gave police an extra clue in a ...
MADRID, Spain - Chance images captured by a passing Google Maps camera showing a man leaning over a large bag or bags in a car trunk with what could be a human body gave police an extra clue in a ...
After the Conquest of Granada, Spanish rulers made the Alhambra more their own – transforming interiors, replacing the on-site mosque with a church and adding other Renaissance-style structures ...
With unexpected help from Google Maps, Spanish authorities have solved a murder investigation that has been ongoing for a year. Two suspects were arrested at the end of the inquiry, which started in ...
Chance images captured by a passing Google Maps camera showing a man leaning ... an extra clue in a murder investigation in the central Spanish village of Tajueco. A friend reported the male ...
MADRID (Reuters) - Chance images captured by a passing Google Maps camera showing a man leaning ... clue in a murder investigation in the central Spanish village of Tajueco. A friend reported ...
MADRID, Dec 19 — A must-have download for disoriented travellers, Google Maps has guided Spanish investigators to resolve a year-long murder mystery by capturing the moment a person stowed a suspected ...
Spanish authorities have cracked a year-long ... officers were checking for clues on online services when they noticed a Google Maps image that appeared to show a person loading what might be ...