Based on the autobiography of Sonny Bono, this film focuses on the volatile relationship between Sonny (Jay Underwood) and Cher (Renee Faia) during the early 60's to their divorce in the late 70's.
When Cher and Sonny divorced in 1978, they agreed to equally split royalties from their joint music catalog including hit songs like “I Got U Babe” and “The Beat Goes On”. After Sonny's ...
Cher has won her years-long copyright lawsuit against Sonny Bonno's Widow over royalty payments from the Sonny & Cher catalog, a federal judge in the Central District of California ruled on Wednesday.
“The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour.” Cher said because Ball had also been on a popular TV show, “I Love Lucy,” with ex-husband Desi Arnaz, she decided to reach out to the comedy legend for advice.
Bono was “desperate for respect,” as Cher writes, but also dedicated to promoting her solo career. By the early ‘70s, as their CBS smash variety spectacle, “The Sonny & Cher Show ...