Adnan Syed, who was the subject of the groundbreaking crime podcast "Serial," is requesting a sentence reduction so he can remain free as he fights his murder conviction, his legal team said Monday.
Attorneys for Adnan Syed, the Maryland man whose case was detailed in the widely heard “Serial” podcast, are seeking a reduction of his prison sentence to ensure he remains free while ...
The Inventra M-SGMII module provides a Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface between any IEEE 802.3-standard GMII or MII-standard interface and a SGMII interface that is compliant with Revision 1 ...
The SPI-MS core from Alma Technologies implements a Serial Peripheral Interconnect interface controller, which can operate either as a Master or a Slave. The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) allows ...
A little over two weeks after a surge of violence in the Cité Soleil commune of Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, a UN report has concluded that more than 207 people were executed by the Wharf Jérémie ...