Directed by Ryan Andrej Lough (“Entertainment”), “You Need This” is produced by McKay and Staci Roberts-Steele via Yellow Dot Studios; Isidoor Roebers and Lea Fels at Scenery, a joint ...
The Bold and the Beautiful threw a curveball to viewers last week when the preview video showed a blip from Electra’s (Laneya Grace) past. When she and Ivy (Ashleigh Brewer) popped up at ...
“My beautiful Baby London, you’ve brought more love, light, and happiness into our lives than I could ever have dreamed 🥹.” She added, “All of my 11:11 wishes came true the moment I ...
All the latest news, photos and more from the infamous couple and their family. Fight Club actor, Brad Pitt, and Maleficient star, Angelina Jolie, became a couple following their roles in Mr & Mrs ...