A credit card that gives you bonus rewards on gas station spending is a smart way to save money every time you fill up. And many of the top credit cards for gas rewards also have other benefits or ...
This summary highlights only some of the key features and terms of the actual license. It is not a license and has no legal value. Carefully review the actual license before using these materials.
Russian gas is no longer flowing to EU states through Ukraine following the expiration of a five-year deal, closing an energy route that has existed since the end of the Soviet Union in 1991.
The European Commission has laid out several solutions to help affected countries, including filling needs through supplies of Greek, Turkish and Romanian gas via the Trans-Balkan route.
Ending the transit of Russian natural gas through Ukraine has dealt Moscow a significant blow in its attempts to use energy as a weapon, President Volodymyr Zelensky has said. Ukraine's head of ...
The bloc has whittled Russia’s share of its pipeline gas imports down from over 40% in 2021 to about 8% in 2023, according to the European Council. To fill the gap, Europe has imported vast ...
Russian natural gas exports via Ukraine to several European countries have been halted after Kyiv refused to renew a transit deal that expired on Wednesday. Ukraine had warned that it would not ...
Ukraine on Wednesday halted Russian gas supplies to European customers through its pipeline network after a prewar transit deal expired at the end of 2024 and almost three years into Moscow’s ...
Ukraine’s president used his New Year’s address to the nation to call for unity in the fight against Russian aggression. A view of the business tower Lakhta Centre, the headquarters of Russian gas ...
Russia halted natural-gas flows to Europe via Ukraine, as Kyiv’s refusal to extend a pipeline deal brought an end to one of the last remaining energy links between Russia and what was once its ...