For this recipe you will need a 20cm/8in pie dish, a sugar thermometer ... lightly beat the eggs in a large mixing bowl. Add the pumpkin purée, sugar, cinnamon, orange zest and juice.
Pumpkin puree is a great way to add color and flavor to baked goods, but you should make sure to account for its high water content when using it in recipes.
Drain beans. Stir in tomato paste, tomatoes, coffee, beans, and stock. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low; simmer 30 minutes (or 1 hour). Break chocolate into pieces; stir in during last 5 ...
Preheat oven to 325°F. Spray 6 baby loaf pans (about 6 inches long) with cooking spray. In a large bowl, use a whisk to combine pumpkin, sugar, eggs, and vegetable oil. Add dry ingredients, stirring ...