Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island follows Alex, a normal backpacker who goes on a trip to take a break from modern life. After a storm hits her boat, she finds herself on an island full of amnesiacs ...
She has about a decade of experience in journalism. Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island is like a lot of the games I’m most likely to pick up. It’s got a soothing, whitewashed color palette.
BOULDER — Ambrosia Biosciences Inc., a recently formed drug-discovery company, has moved into Pfizer Inc.’s (NYSE: PFE) previously shuttered Boulder research and development facilities and closed a ...
You play as Alex, who is a backpacker venturing off to get away from modern life. She gets more than she bargained for when her boat is caught in a storm and she ends up shipwrecked on the titular ...
Holidays are supposed to be relaxing, but that definitely hasn’t been the case for Alex, the protagonist of Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island. Between being caught in a storm, shipwrecked and washed ...
The very first person you meet when you start playing Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island is messenger of the Greek gods, Hermes. He’s stark-butt naked, aside from a very tight pair of white underpants ...