Adapted from the Shōnen Jump+ manga series (i.e. Japanese comics) that began its run in 2021, the anime version of Dan Da Dan is a gonzo blend of different genre fare that weaves occult horror, ...
A recent study published in the Atlantic Journal of Communication investigated how media consumption habits are linked to ...
Two NASA astronauts whose eight-day mission has turned into a monthslong stay at the International Space Station have learned ...
NASA’s two stuck astronauts just got their space mission extended again. That means they won’t be back on Earth until spring, ...
The week before Christmas, a private Christian school in Madison was the target of an active shooter. Madison police say a 2nd grader called 911 and reported the shooting ...
NEW YORK — An attorney defending Jay-Z against the rape allegation brought against him last week by an unnamed woman outlined a range of evidence Monday that he said showed the ... him by another law ...
With a new book, a new literary journal and a forthcoming PBS project, Nicholas Gulig is reflective as he closes out his ...
At one point, the former Homeland criminal investigator Nick Raudenski turned to a screen where a carefully curated video ...
Andrew Powell’s return to the environment portfolio should alarm anyone who cares about the future of Queensland’s natural heritage. His scepticism about human-induced climate change is more than a ...
Dr. Mika Hamer is about to go ghost hunting. Thanks to a $100K grant from the Robert Johnson Wood Foundation (RWJF), the University of Maryland School of Public Health researcher aims to uncover the ...
Dr. Mika Hamer is about to go ghost hunting. Thanks to a $100K grant from the Robert Johnson Wood Foundation (RWJF), the ...
For this new album, the band picked 10 tracks off the cutting room floor, uncovering archived songs that did not make the ...