Pioner is an upcoming first-person survival MMO from GFA Games, set in a dark post-apocalyptic setting. The game was originally set to be released in 2022, but following multiple delays has ...
Former GSC Game World developer Volodymyr Yezhov, who worked on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and was known by the nickname “Fresh”, was ...
GSC Game World has been an outspoken supporter of Ukraine ... said they did not set out to build a “propaganda thing” with the release, where players navigate a post-apocalyptic environment ...
The game is set to launch on November 20 on console and PC, including in Xbox Game Pass, but the day before, another ...
The post-Apocalyptic first-person shooter game is set in a fictional version of the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant that was hit by a deadly accident in 1986.
Players took the role of a character tasked with exploring the post-apocalyptic setting and navigating the various factions fighting for control of the wasteland. The decision to set the game at ...