Research demonstrates that increasing fiber intake in one's diet may have anti-cancer effects. Fiber plays a crucial role in a balanced diet, promoting gut health, preventing constipation, and aiding ...
The authors present new expression analysis software (TEKRABber) to help analyze expression correlations between transposable elements (TEs) and KRAB zinc finger (KRAB-ZNF) genes in experimentaly ...
This important study of regulatory elements and gene expression in the craniofacial region of the fat-tailed dunnart shows that, compared to placental mammals, marsupial craniofacial tissue develops ...
In other cases, exposure to certain factors can change a person’s genes or alter gene expression. Gene therapy is a technique that involves modifying a person’s genes to help treat ...
Latzka said while the 15/5 regulation clearly was positive on some lakes, it's not appropriate everywhere. "We know not every lake is alike," Latzka said. "Lower panfish bag limits like this are ...
A mutant gene is coming to steal Linde Jacobs’s mind. Can she find a way to stop it? A mutant gene is coming to steal Linde Jacobs’s mind. Can she find a way to stop it? Credit...Mike Kai Chen ...
Researchers have found three gene regulation design principles that provide a flexible guideline for the effective control of microbiological production. When introducing genes into yeast to make ...