You can use virtually any watertight container for your mini pond. Old enamel sinks and stone troughs work well or choose a glazed ceramic plant pot with no hole. Once the pond is set up ...
A pond is a fantastic way to attract wildlife into your garden and even a tiny pond will benefit a lot of animals. Many creatures are entirely aquatic, some start their lives in water and others need ...
Some emergent plants will do best in aquatic baskets, and loose submerged plants can be bundled, tied, and weighted to the bottom of your pond container. Select a spot in your yard or garden that gets ...
Plants in containers are in danger of drying out as the weather warms up in spring and summer. Be sure to check the soil and water regularly.
Install the pump and filter if desired." If you're also looking for ways to attract birds into your garden then a container ...
Regular garden soil is often too light and may cloud ... After planting, submerge the pot in your pond container, placing it 6-12 inches below the water’s surface. As the lily grows, you may ...