Chinese zodiac, or shengxiao (/shnng-sshyao/ 'born resembling'), unlike the general zodiac, is represented by 12 zodiac ...
A New Hampshire animal shelter is seeking new owners for 142 mice and 93 rats this weekend, after an unprecedented surrender ...
While these red rat snakes are favored among first-time reptile owners, preparation is key for a healthy and happy pet snake. To help you raise your new corn snake, here are seven things beginners ...
A Chinese zodiac expert has shared their forecast for the 12 animal signs. One sign will feel particularly restless and in ...
Everyone has those “go-to” people in their lives — their mechanic, butcher, or hair stylist. They’re dependable, honest and ...
“They make great little pets.” Morgan Pritchett is a former rat owner who swung by the shelter Friday just to look around, ...
The cause of the fire is under investigation, the fire rescue department says. Find more ways to stay up to date with your latest local news. Sign up for our newsletter to get the day's top ...
Other than the chain pet stores, the only other exotic pet store in Southeast Texas is Pet Den in Nederland, making the ...
The Rochester Veterinary Practice is warning pet owners of snakes as snake bite incidents rise. Photo by Ryan Bellingham With temperatures on the rise, the risk of snakes harming your pet are ...
You need to keep an eye on him, when he’s in front of the fire, but cats aren’t masochists. They become uncomfortable, if ...