Amidst the cheerful chaos, Master Sgt. Lorra Hernon, a pediatric nurse at OBCC and newly appointed first sergeant for the 446th Force Support Squadron, moved with quiet confidence, her warm smile ...
Through Bethel’s M.S. in Nurse-Midwifery program, you’ll earn the credentials to provide sexual and reproductive healthcare, primary care, care during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, and newborn ...
We have a long tradition of emergency medicine research in our department, and you will benefit from significant research resources, including: a full-time research nurse a year-round cadre of ...
A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a short description of where you've worked, where you went to school and your skills and qualifications. It gives an employer a sense of what you can do and what experience ...
Nonhormonal methods of contraception, such as barrier methods or the copper intrauterine device (IUD), are the preferred choice for nursing mothers, because hormones in some contraceptive methods ...
Donald Trump took office as the United States' 47th president on Monday, renewing his vow to "put America first" and tariff foreign countries to enrich Americans, while signaling a... A court on ...