The Syrian army announced Monday that it has intensified operations against rebel forces in the northern provinces of Aleppo ...
Volume 4, Issue 4AOPR 眼科实践与研究新进展《眼科实践与研究新进展》(AOPR)是一本OA、同行评议的英文眼科学术期刊,由浙大、浙大二院主办,浙大出版社与爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版社合作出版。
曲水亭街,楹联文化,济南,郑板桥,徐北文 ...
A terminally ill man recalls his past lives and incarnations on his death bed. He is visited by the ghosts of his loved ones.
11月28日,在两江新区天宫殿街道,一束阳光透过树林洒在郑建伟脸上,他称自己是“被光照到的幸运盲人”。家住两江新区天宫殿街道的郑建伟,先天性双目失明,他不但顺利考取了国内的本科,还通过自学雅思申请到了英国埃塞克斯大学的硕士。回国后这十年,他致力于英语 ...
北京协和医院感染内科副主任护师宋晓璟表示,从个人性行为的角度,遵守ABC原则是行之有效的预防措施,也就是通过节欲 (Abstinence)、忠诚 (Be faithful)和使用安全套 (Condom)来预防性传播疾病和艾滋病。
Russia, Iran, and Türkiye launched a process in January 2017 in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, which aims for a peaceful settlement in Syria. Regional players Türkiye and Iran have intensified ...
(ECNS) -- "The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been a good process in helping the world resolve to do better collaboratively. I think that ...
Tian Youran, a 24-year-old student from Belgium, is studying Chinese culture courses at Xi'an International University in Xi'an, China. Since studying at Xi'an International University, Tian Youran's ...
FISCO BCOS (pronounced /ˈfɪskl bi:ˈkɒz/) is a stable, efficient, and secure permissioned blockchain platform that has been widely used in real-world industry applications. FISCO-BCOS/python-sdk’s past ...
Here, to get his ear means to get a word in his ear. “Getting someone’s ear” is a metaphor, not to be taken literally. In ...